Ko Wai Māua? (Who are we)
I te taha o toku korou
Ko Tawhitinui te maunga
Ko Tauranga te awa
Ko Tauira Mai Tawhiti te waka
Ko Te Whanau a Pararaki te hapu
Ko Te Whanau a Apanui te iwi
Ko Maru o Hine Maka te marae
Ko Pararaki te tangata
I te taha o toku kuia
Ko Rangitoto te maunga
Ko Waipa te awa
Ko Taiaroa te waka
Ko Ngati Whare Kokowai, Ngati Maniapoto iwi
Ko Ngati Whare Kokowai te hapu
Ko Otewa te Marae
Ko Rereiwaho Tungia te tangata
Ko Cherrilee Fuller toku ingoa
Raised in Murupara till the age of 18 and now reside in Massey West Auckland with our beautiful blended whanau. Qualified commercial photographer and entertainer (singer) that has helped create this path. We were fortunate to attend some wananga in Ahipara to learn first steps to weaving and trained to shape stone here in West Auckland. I was the Polyfest Maori stage photographer for the last 5 years which inspired me to explore creating Kakahu for my models. From these steps we have created Taiao Creative Limited.
Ko Muarangi te maunga
Ko Te Wairoa te awa
Ko Kaipara te moana
Ko Mahuhu ki te rangi te waka
Ko Ngati Whatua te iwi
Ko Waikaretu te marae
Ko Hakiputatomuri te tangata
Ko Jason Martin toku ingoa
I was raised in Kirikiriroa and now reside in Massey West Auckland. After 27 years in the moving furniture trade I was forced to resign due to health issues. I have been learning to different contemporary and traditions arts and hand crafts for a few years create unique taonga.
Taiao Creative Limited was officially established during Covid 19 2020. Founders and creators of all taonga are Cherrilee Fuller and Jason Martin. Together with our whanau we use our Taiao (Environment) and cultural background to create raw quality taonga to wear, tools or art for the home. As Kaitiaki of our whenua our goal is to take care of our environment so we will help clean, create with minimal waste. Guided by professional creative artist and exploring traditional Maori practices helps create taonga used as tools, for the home or handed down through generations